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Safety of Iron Oxides
Addtime: 2017/03/03 Read:4984 Font size: Large Small
Safety Information:
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) lists Iron Oxides as a color additive exempt from certification. Iron Oxides are safe for use in coloring products, including cosmetics and personal care products applied to the lips, and the area of the eye, provided they meet certain specifications. The FDA also includes Iron Oxides on its list of indirect food additives considered Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS). The Cosmetic Ingredient Review (CIR) has deferred evaluation of this ingredient because the safety has been assessed by FDA. This deferral of review is according to the provisions of the CIR Procedures.
More safety Information:
All color additives used in foods, drugs and cosmetics in the United States must be approved by FDA and listed in the Code of Federal Regulations. In some cases, FDA requires that each batch of color produced for use in regulated products can be used only if it is certified by the agency to meet strict specifications. FDA maintains a laboratory especially for this purpose and color manufacturers must pay a fee to support this activity. FDA only approves colors after extensive review of all safety data and publication of the basis for its approval in the Federal Register.
This article comes from cosmeticsinfo edit released