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Iron Oxide Benefication Process
Addtime: 2017/06/14 Read:4476 Font size: Large Small
One challenge of the dressing iron oxide benefication process is to liberate and enrich the ore minerals to produce a product suitable for its industrial application. Depending on the mineralogy and the textural conditions of the ore, various beneficiation techniques are applied to reach the desired result.
With our high skills in ore dressing iron oxide benefication process knowledge we create high quality products from a low grade and complex ore. The greatest challenge is to obtain a high recovery of the ore minerals magnetite and hematite and in the same time minimize the extraction of gangue minerals with similar physical and magnetic properties.
Our dressing iron oxide benefication process involves wet primary autogenous milling, LIMS (Low intensity magnetic separation) extraction of magnetite, WHIMS (Wet high-intensity magnetic separation / Jones-iron oxide benefication process) recovery and upgrading of hematite in combination with gravimetric methods, classifying, dewatering and storage of the final product.
The extracted magnetite is further treated to form high purity concentrate by re-milling and subsequent multiple steps LIMS upgrading. Parts of this magnetite are used as the feed-stock for the rocess.
This article comes from ranagruber edit released