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Cosmetic Grade Iron Oxide Black
Addtime: 2017/01/16 Read:4437 Font size: Large Small
Iron oxide black Pigment is a dry colored powder used to color concrete, mortar, stucco, plaster and tint topically. It is odorless, alkali & weather resistant, UV stable, non- hazardous, chemically inert, water soluble and provides consistent color when thoroughly blended.
This is our new Iron oxide black which has replaced the one we previously stocked.
It is a true jet black with a much stronger tinting strength.
Use Iron oxide black to adjust tone in foundations in tiny amounts - this is a very strong colour. Women with very dark skin tones will add this to their formulations but again in very tiny amounts, grain by grain almost until an ideal colour match has been reached. It will also make the most dramatic, smoky eyeshadows and is the pigment used in black and grey mascara and eyeliner.
This article comes from u-makeitup edit released